Our fundamental aim to give financial aid to both young and older individuals with learning difficulties

News from the John Ede Trust 

Sponsorship for West Hill School

The John Ede Trust are sponsoring West Hill School in Leatherhead, a  specialist school for children with learning difficulties. The Photo below shows the stage set in readiness for a production of Jason and His Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. The school has been recognised by OFSTED as outstanding.

photo of sponsorship plate

Grand Re-Opening of Newdigate Playground’ on 12th June 2016

photo of sponsorship plate
Image of happy children in re-opened playground
Photo of Capel Playground supporters

Thank you very much for your generosity and support in our fundraising efforts –  the playground is now a safe play area that has been rejuvenated and brought back to life after a year of closure.

In fact, since it has been open, there hasn’t been a single day (regardless of the appalling weather) that the playground hasn’t been used – it really is such an important asset to our village children & their families.   With warm regards and appreciation Rebecca Choy

Rebecca Choy

Photo of little girl on swingphoto of Capel playground with boy on slide

The Trust supports Local School

The local School in Newdigate submitted an application for funding to The John Ede Trust. The school was proposing to create an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) nest in their annex. The John Ede Trust helped towards the funding, click to download the gallery of images in a PDF format showing the completed project.

“It (the ELSA nest) has been a huge asset to our school and is helping some of our children who are benefiting from the special place that we have created to have some one on one time with our ELSA with extremely positive results.”

Learn about ELSA download the 3 page pdf.

Carole Chapman
Senior Teacher and Acting Senco Teacher, Newdigate School

Photo of the outside of Capel Schools ELSA nestPhoto showing inside the ELSA nest

Older News from the John Ede Trust 

The Badgers’ take the crown at Charity Quiz Night

April 2011

On Monday 4th April, around 60 people from Dorking Business Breakfast Group and Trusted Contacts, two of Dorking’s business networking groups, took part in a Charity Quiz Night at the Viva Restaurant in West Street, Dorking in aid of the John Ede Trust.

The Trust is a Capel-based charity which provides financial assistance to people with learning disabilities, together with their families, in and around the Dorking area.

After ten rounds of questions on a wide variety of subjects, including ‘Acronyms’, ‘Famous Quotations’ and a special round all about Dorking itself, two teams, ‘The Badgers’ and ‘The John Ede Trust’ team, still remained inseparable out of the sixteen teams taking part, each having a score of 87.5 points out of a possible 120, thereby forcing a special ‘local knowledge’ tie-break question, “How long is the River Mole?”. With ‘The Badgers’ answering 45 miles and ‘John Ede Trust’ answering 32 miles, ‘The Badgers’ took the crown, being closest to the correct answer of 50 miles!

Photo showing the winner quiz team, the Badgers

‘The No Eyed Deers’ and ‘The Douglas Bader School of Dancing’ shared third place with a score of 86, whilst the very aptly-named ‘Rear Enders’ from Station View Garage, brought up the rear with a still vaguely credible score of 61.5.

A special guest team from the Dorking Advertiser finished a very respectable joint 9th, with 75.5 points.

As well as the quiz, everyone present also enjoyed an excellent supper of pizza or pasta and almost £550 was raised for the John Ede Trust. Keith Posner, one of the charity’s trustees and also a member of Dorking Business Breakfast Group, thanked everyone for supporting the event so generously, adding that the money raised would help the trust continue its vital work within the local area.

Cheque presentation to The Weald C of E Primary School

April 2010

On Monday 26th April 2010, three of the Trustees of the John Ede Trust were delighted to present a cheque for £1,500 to The Weald C of E Primary School in Beare Green.

This money will be used to provide equipment for a very special ‘sensory room’ at the school, which will be used by all 365 pupils, but especially those with learning disabilities.

Photo of cheque presentation for £1500 to local school

The attached photo shows (from back, left to right): Sharon Davis (Headteacher of The Weald C of E Primary School in Beare Green), Dr William Ball, Keith Posner, Chris Cobb (all Trustees of the John Ede Trust) and Nicky Angus (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at The Weald School), together with (front) Daniel Angus and Sophie Angus and some of the special sensory equipment the John Ede Trust is funding.

For further information please contact Keith Posner on 01306 888990, or contact us via our contact page.

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